Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Coming Alive.

A short ride from Florence and the hills of chianti are greening as spring has well and truly begun. It's hard to take a bad photo with perfect skies, and a landscape of olive groves, vines and cyprusses.
...but a photo will never tell the whole story. Even a painting... only approaches ...being here.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Vines and Vistas.

The days grow warmer and all of a sudden life is everywhere...but the vines......slowly does it. They take their time to awaken and somehow I agree. Where is the hurry? Summer days will come. There will be time yet to grow and ripen.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Early Tomatoes.

The warm weather has got us looking forward to summer: so much so that I took it upon myself to put in some tomato plants at the allotment ahead of all the other plot holders. Will they suffer from a late frost? Will I be digging them up within the month and replacing them with those from my balcony. Wait and see.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slow Start

We are off to a slow start, what with one thing and another this year, but perhaps that is just as well:

'To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first' Henry VIII (Act 1 Sc1)

And the reason?